Rating: (1 not good )( 2 ok)( 3 good) (4 fucking cool )(5 it;s all cool shit you need)
studios in Tampa/Clearwater/St. Petersburg
D.O.W Studios
$25 hr Rating:(5)120 track if you need it 813-654-5286
we Recording
Digiquest Productions 24 track $30.00 hr 727-586-7529recording studios $35 hr Rating:(3)
Audio lab studios Rating:(3)81 track $60/hr813-875-2501
Apple rehearsal studios 813-854-1526 $15 hr Rating:(3)48 track Apple recording studios $50 hr Rating:(2)
Musicalife 36 track $25/hr 813-251-3023 Rating:(3) |
Sonictrax studios and sound experlment 813-631-0431University Mall tampa,Florida www.sonictrax.com 24 track recording studios $40/hr Rating:(2)
Blue Room Productions 24 track $40/hr 727-527-6528 Rating:(2) |
www.audiowerkz.com 727-937-2020 |
Performance Videos
RPM stubio www.cosmonaught.50megs.com Performance Videos $25.00 hr Rating:(4)813-505-2575
Sonictrax studios and sound experlment 813-631-0431University Mall tampa,Florida www.sonictrax.com Performance Videos $35.00 hr Rating:(3)
D.O.W Studios $25 hr Performance Videos $25/hr Rating:(3)813-654-5286 Rating:(4)
Apple rehearsal studios 813-854-1526 $15 hr Performance Videos 50$ hr Rating:(2)